Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Special Forces

Last night at dinner Gigi wanted my opinion on the current state of Syria. Normally I avoid these topics with her for a number of reasons. But I thought either she will change the subject when she gets sidetracked or it'll be a good story for the blog.

Gigi has decided to go undercover and save the day! Gigi the Green Beret? She said she would put on a burka, go deep undercover behind enemy and do her civic duty to end this all.

  1. She has had both knees replaced that cause her to move very slow
  2. Her back is messed up and she needs to wear a back brace much of the time
  3. There is something going on with her right eye where it doesn't always stay open
  4. She hates all forms of pain
  5. Her attention span is similar to a 2 year old
Based on all these details I'm sure she will be welcomed to the United States Army with open arms!

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